Tuesday, May 17, 2016

EXP 3 Week 1 article mashup

Article mashup

 “There is no doubt whatever about the influence of architecture and structure upon human character and action. We make our buildings and afterwards they make us. They regulate the course of our lives.” Each building type has different functions, and for each there’s an imperative to use the building to help create an optimal mood, desire or sense of coherence, security or meaning. Architects expressly announce their intentions and ability to influence behavior , intended and techniques used can range from broad, high-level aspirational strategies such as communal areas “creating the potential for involvement, interaction and knowledge sharing” in a workplace (3XN, 2010) to specific tactics, such as Frank Lloyd Wright’s occasional use of “very confining corridors” for people to walk along “so that when they entered an open space the openness and light would enhance their experience . Attention restoration theory posits that “people use voluntary control to inhibit distractions and remain focused, and this capacity to remain focused fatigues over time.” But the theory also contends that even just a short period of time in nature (10 minutes or so) can renew our cognitive capacity to pay attention.

Dr Dan Lockton , Architecture, urbanism, design and behavior: a brief review , Accessed 18th May , 2016. 
Jared Green ,New Study: Students Learn Better with Views of Trees ,Huffpost Impact , 03 February 2016 . Accessed 18th May , 2016.
Jan Golembiewski Building a better world: can architecture shape behavior ? , The conversation , January 7, 2014 . Accessed 18th May , 2016. 

EXP3 Week 2 18 sketches

One point perspective

Two points perspective

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


The space between: Anzac parade light rail stop

Architect 1 -Yakov Chernikhov
1) Development in multi-direction .
Architect 2 - Bernard Tschumi
1) Breaking free.

sketch of the model :

Texture used:




ElectroLiquid Amalgamation:

“Why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in a two part adhesive.”'

 Theme :
solar panel : reduce energy consumption
2) multi-culture
a multi-functional space is created , it can be a show room , an art gallery , gathering space etc.

Walking through the building :

lumion link :

sketchup model :